Wednesday, 21 April 2004

Wickedpedia Page

Wikipedia from pornography to rewriting history

Unbiased Encyclopedia or a 'Jewish Tool' ?

Wikipedia claims it's articles are based on a totally neutral point of view. It's size is formidable, at 2.5 billion views a month. Once you get below the surface, you find moderators that follow an agenda, which clearly takes a Pro-Jewish point of view. Moderators openly admit to a pro-Jewish bias.

Wales who was born in Huntsville, Alabama, went to the exclusive Randolph prep school, and onto the University of Alabama. Wales graduates, and becomes a Futures Trader in Chicago. Next he opens Bomis, an 'Adult Content' website, which is followed by Nupedia, which morphs into Wikipedia.

Wales is the darling of the Jewish crowd at Harvard, being a fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society, at the Harvard Law School.

Who Is Bomis.Com?

Basically 'Bomis' is an adult site, started by Wales, but Wikipedia calls it erotica. Typical picture , and a typical site (caution - extremely pornographic)

Wikipedia and the Intelligence Services

Anyone who knows the universal success of Wikipedia will immediately grasp the importance of the issue. The fact that most Internet search engines, such as Google, give Wikipedia articles top ranking only raises the stakes to a higher level.

The Incident

In the aftermath of the Lockerbie bombing in 1988, the finger of suspicion quickly pointed to a Syria-based Palestinian organization -- the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, General Command (PFLP-GC) -- hired by Iran. The terrorist group was created by a former Syrian army captain, Ahmed Jibril, who broke away from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) in 1968.

Plagiarism by Wikipedia editors

Here are the results of the first study of plagiarism in Wikipedia that has ever been undertaken. I started with a list of 16,750 Wikipedia articles. They came from a partial list of Wikipedia biographies of persons born before 1890. There was no reason for this, other than the fact that the list was available and the size was manageable.

The next task was to download the XML version of each Wikipedia article and try to extract between one and five clean sentences. They have to be clean (i.e., "de-wikified") or there is no hope of using them in a search engine. That's because the entire sentence is searched inside of quotation marks. Each search looks like this: More

Wikipedia deletes page on Rahm Emanuel's Terrorist father

Benjamin M. Emanuel is a Chicago pediatrician and former member of the Irgun[1][2]. He is the father of U.S. Congressman and White House Chief of Staff-designate Rahm Emanuel, NIH bioethicist Ezekiel J. Emanuel, talent agent Ari Emanuel, and adopted daughter Shoshana.[1] Born in Jerusalem in 1927,[1] he later emigrated to America in the 1950s[3] and married Martha Smulevitz. They lived first in Chicago and later moved to Wilmette.[1] Emanuel’s family adopted their surname in 1933, after Benjamin’s brother, Emanuel Auerbach, was killed in a skirmish with Arabs in Jerusalem.[1] According to Benjamin Emanuel, his son Rahm is the namesake of Rahamim, a Lehi combatant who was killed.[2] More

Zionist Wikipedia Jews Covering up 9/11 Zionist Terror Attack

9/11: Flight Recorder Analysis - Wikipedia Displays Blatant Disinformation Once Again

Flight Data Recorder Analysis

03/19/09 - Wikipedia, a primary on-line resource for diverse information, allows anyone to edit their 'wiki' pages. Many are aware through articles published by Reuters and other news organizations[1] that Wiki is a haven for intelligence agencies who also use it as a means of distributing false and misleading information. Recently it has come to our attention that an edit was made to the "9/11 Conspiracies" page containing factual errors and disinformation regarding Flight Data Recorder (FDR) analysis.

The original entry is as follows: More

Google to tackle Wikipedia with new knowledge service

Google is to go head-to-head with Wikipedia, the web’s largest reference work, in a clash of two of the internet’s most powerful brands.

A new Google service, dubbed knol, will invite “people who know a particular subject to write an authoritative article about it”, Udi Manber, a Google engineer, said.

Like Wikipedia, articles in knol (the name derives from “knowledge”) will be free to read online. In a departure from the nonprofit Wikipedia model, however, knol’s authors will be able to attach advertising to their work and take a share of revenues.

CIA and Google Team Up Again For More Spying

Wikipedia 'shows CIA page edits'

The tool, developed by a US researcher, trawls a list of 34m edits and matches them to the net address of the editor.

Bettter Alternatives

Encyclopedia Britannica -- An excellent source of information, and much more authoritative than Wikipedia.

Scholarpedia -- A step up from both Wikipedia and Citizendium in terms of scholarly respectability; the articles are all written by experts with peer review

Oxford English Dictionary (limited access; talk to your school or library) -- The definitive resource when it comes to the English language

Online Education Database -- Over 100 specific search and research tools, often relevant to specific subjects

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy and Foldop -- Excellent sources on just about anything philosophy related

MathWorld -- Everything mathematics from Geometry to Calculus is covered in great detail

More here:

Wikipedia Watch


  1. Thanks for your article, really useful information.
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  2. While the information is useful in some narrow areas, the sites provided have search which are limited too specific or behind a paywall. Wikipedia is THE go to and find place to locate fast information on almost any subject.

    If a subject is controversial, a good practice on Wikipedia is to click on the talk tab and read how the authors came to their conclusions.

    If you are especially knowledgeable in a subject, it might be advisable to keep your reliable reference books handy and if there is an area of concern in a particular article, learn how to write, edit and sign up as a user on Wikipedia and fix it, referencing your reliable source books....
